While You Received a Piracy Warning from Your ISP, Here's What to do
Large numbers of Internet subscribers, mainly in the United States, have been taking to the Internet in recent months worried about piracy warnings sent to them by their ISPs. Meanwhile YouTubers in Europe are worried on the new EU Copyright Article 13 which will effect on next Jan . Despite much discussion of these online, questions continue to be asked. So, what should users do when they receive these scary emails? Millions of Internet subscribers use their connections to download and share copyright-infringing content. It’s been going on for almost two decades already and shows no sign of stopping. We all knew and also experienced the crazy times of Torrent. For the vast majority of users, this kind of activity has no consequences. People grab the latest movies or TV shows, for example, and then hear no more. For many, this means they simply carry on, oblivious to the fact that their unauthorized transfers are probably being monitored by someone, somewhere. I...